McCallum Bros Limited® is in the process of applying for a resource consent to extract marine sand via a trailing suction barge off the coast of Te Ākau Bream Bay.

This website is our way of being transparent with the public about our application and making access to the reports as simple as possible for interested parties. As these reports are finalised they will be uploaded here.

Within this website we hope to demystify sand extraction and show that it isn’t like other marine mineral extraction techniques and can be undertaken in an environmentally responsible manner.

Some Frequently Asked Questions can be found here

Beach & Dunes

McCallum Bros Limited® is committed to reducing as far as possible any effect on the beaches and dunes in Te Ākau Bream Bay. The area where we have applied to extract sand from is a long way from the coast, at its closest the inner boundary is 4.7 km offshore and in water depths greater than 20 m. The sand in this area is so deep and far away from the shore that it is disconnected from the coastal processes (waves and currents) that move sand on and off the beach. The proposed sand extraction area is offshore of the Depth of Closure (DoC) which means that if sand is extracted in the proposed area, it will have no impact on the beautiful beaches and dunes of Te Ākau Bream Bay. The science of this will be covered extensively in the coastal processes assessment.

Te Ākau Bream Bay

To ensure we can continue to support the upper North Island’s future construction plans we are applying for a coastal permit to allow the extraction of sand in Te Ākau Bream Bay.

Click here to read more…

Research and Assessments of Effects

We have nearly completed all of the necessary studies required to investigate what the potential assessment of effects will be if our consent application is granted.

Click here to read more…

Community Partnership

If our application is successful, McCallum Bros Limited® is committed to giving back to the community through initiatives that enhance the wider environment and benefit the local community. We’ll do this by funding things like dune restoration, predator control of bird nesting sites, or other worthy causes important to the people of Te Ākau Bream Bay. We’ll be extracting sand from a common area that we all share, and so we think it is fair and important that funding from our activity goes back to the communities we share it with.

Fish & Fisheries

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Shore & Sea Birds

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Marine Mammals

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Water Quality

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Landscape & Amenity

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Concrete/ Sand Suitability

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Marine Ecology

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Navigational Safety

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Climate Change

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Cultural Values

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Airborne Noise

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Underwater Noise

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Low Impact Extraction

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Coastal Processes

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Surf Breaks

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