Sand is available for residential, commercial and industrial landscaping use.
Play Sand
Play sand 550 is a graded, naturally formed sand ideal for use in sand pits at home and in supervised care settings.
- Is enjoyed by children of all ages
- Stimulates the children’s senses – touching, tasting seeing sand flowing through the fingers
- Develops gross motor skills – pushing, using spades, rakes, diggers…
- Develops fine motor skills – grasping, letting sand flow through the fingers
- Supports and extends other areas of play – the sand area is a great area for children to explore simple principles of science, weighing and measuring, creativity and role play
Play-sand 550 meets the requirements for sand as described in the Supervised Early Childhood Facilities – Playground Equipment and Surfacing Handbook (New Zealand standard SNZ HB 5828.2.20061), Certificate HERE
The recommended depth for play sand is between 45 to 60cm.
With hydraulic conductivity of 500mm/hr, this sand drains well during heavy rainfall events and after water play (adequate drainage beneath pit should be installed to remove water from the sandpit area).
The very small proportion of fine and ultra-fine sand reduces the degree of wind-borne sand particles. This minimises the irritation caused to children, and adults supervising them, from sand being blown into their faces. Play-sand 550 is free of stones, gravel, pumice, and organic material and is able to be moulded when water is added.
Play 550
Hydraulic conductivity (mm/hr) 500
Particle Distribution Sieve Size (mm) % Composition
Coarse gravel 4-8 0.0%
Fine gravel 2-4 0.0%
V. coarse sand 1-2 1.8%
Coarse sand 0.5-1 17.0%
Medium sand 0.25-0.5 53.7%
Fine sand 0.125-0.25 26.4%
Very Fine Sand 0.063-0.125 1.0%
Silt & Clay < 0.063 – 0.1% 0.1%
Certification: Play-550 play sand has been tested as an impact attenuation surface and has achieved the impact attenuation requirements of NZS5828:2004 for free heights of fall up to:
3m critical fall height at a depth of 350mm uncompacted.
1.5m critical fall height at a depth of 300mm un-compacted.
The product is available in large or small volumes. In the wider Auckland Region and now in the Bay of Plenty.